Start your content journey at high.

Are you currently having problems attracting new, qualified employees or new customers? We are able to work with you to solve both problems within 12 months.

Qualified employees are the driving force behind your company. The labor market has changed dramatically in recent years. The power is increasingly on the employee side, at least for many companies. Our customers manage to present themselves so attractively that they are overrun with applications.


New customers make your business profitable. Profitability not only enables you to hire the best talent, but also solves 95% of your business problems. Often too few customers or the wrong customers hinder your growth. We provide you with new customer leads to grow healthily.

New customers make your business profitable. Profitability not only enables you to hire the best talent, but also solves 95% of your business problems. Often too few customers or the wrong customers hinder your growth. We provide you with new customer leads to grow healthily.

With the high. content marketing strategy, we will make you the polar star of your industry in just 12 months.

With high. we have succeeded in increasing our incoming applications by at least 50%.

Katharina Arndt

Arndt Automobile GmbH

We lacked a strict push in the right direction. Since working with high. we are not only doing better in terms of figures, I also finally feel comfortable with the content.

Dr. Timo Spanholtz

Plastic surgeon

We developed a content strategy in 2 workshops and then implemented it. We received excellent support and were the first in our industry. We have been permanent partners for 4 years now.

Kai Hoster

HASCO Hasenclever GmbH

Our measures

In a workshop, we put together your individual action plan to get you into the spotlight as quickly as possible. Through the targeted production of videos & photos and the right application, you will quickly see results.

Our customers

We can tell a lot of stories, but in the end it’s our customers’ results that count.

Advantages of a content marketing campaign at high.

  • Videos convey personality. This allows you to stand out from the competition.
  • Live communication: provide your target group with regular updates and become omnipresent
  • bind your employees to your company. Video productions are pure appreciation!

Our high.performer

Philipp Kaul


Tatjana Riss

Sales Team

Paula Smiri

Concept Creative

Philipp Kaul


Tatjana Riss

Sales Team

Paula Smiri

Concept Creative

Thimo Frers

Creative Team

Matthias Willeit

Creative Team

Marcel Widenka

Creative Team

Eric Hoodt

Creative Team

This is how we turned Arndt Autovermietung into a brand in 4 steps:


Test package for quick results

In a three-month test package, we jointly implemented video concepts in 3 directions. Recruiting videos, sales videos & videos to increase brand awareness. This enabled us to achieve quick results with a high return on investment.


Corporate culture via videos

To show what a great employer Arndt is, we accompanied company celebrations. At the Christmas party, the Oktoberfest & the summer party, the employees can be seen in an exuberant mood. This conveys fun & personality.


Corporate culture via videos

To show what a great employer Arndt is, we accompanied company celebrations. At the Christmas party, the Oktoberfest & the summer party, the employees can be seen in an exuberant mood. This conveys fun & personality.


The production of long-running advertisements

Some positions, e.g. for working students, are always open at Arndt. At the same time, there are vehicles that are advertised again and again. These videos were produced once and can now be used again and again.


Introduction of a corporate influencer

Berna lives for the Arndt car rental company and is always keen to be in front of the camera. The Arndt Christmas commercial not only put managing director Matthias Arndt in the spotlight, but also Berna.


Introduction of a corporate influencer

Berna lives for the Arndt car rental company and is always keen to be in front of the camera. The Arndt Christmas commercial not only put managing director Matthias Arndt in the spotlight, but also Berna.